Dear customers,
Let us not despair, and stay strong together.
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the activities of our bookshop are going to change a little.
We will of course try to stay open as long as we can, mostly to fulfil any online and phone requests.
With regards to that, feel free to call us or send us enquiries via email. As you might know, our website, together with our accounts on Abebooks and eBay, only hold (an increasing, but nevertheless small) percentage of our stock. Therefore, if you are looking for a specific title,
calling or emailing us is certainly the easiest way.
If you are daring enough to come by, you are more than welcome here. There is a lot of space to respect proper distances, and you will find the shop is quite easy to browse in these circumstances.
Also, we can communicate through the door if you prefer not to risk any human contact.
Just remember that we close on Sundays, as always, and that we might open a bit later in the morning and close a bit earlier in the night. We do not mind you giving us a call to ask about it!
We would like to remind you that we still ship all over the world, for as long as Post Offices are open.
This is the moment to support your local businesses, be it books, food or otherwise. We beg you to resist the easy temptation of ordering only from big branded chains, and to buy from those among us who still hold the line and stay open to satisfy the people’s needs.
We will keep you up to date, but in the meanwhile, hold on, help each other, and read!
Your fellow book-lovers,
Henry Pordes Books