Title: British School Of Archaeology In Egypt Series: 6 Vols
Author: Flinders Petrie, W.M.
Publisher: British School Of Archaeology In Egypt And Bernard Quaritch
Year published:
Place of Publication: London
Book Condition: Good & Sound
Jacket Condition:
Size: 4to
Binding: Half Leather
Notes: 6 volumes. Original half maroon cloth with gilt lettering on spine and light gray printed boards. Numerous full page black and white plates showing map of archaeological sites, black and white photographs of archaeological sites and remains, inscriptions and hundreds of objects. Internally fine. Volumes incuded in the set: Memphis 1-3 (Memphis I, 1909; The Palace of Apries: Memphis II; Meydum and Memphis III) by W.M. Flinders Petrie with chapter by J.H. Walker, 1909, 26 pp. + 54 plates; 25 pp. + 34 plates; 50 pp. + 47 plates. Tarkhan I And Memphis V; 1913; 40 pp. + 81 plates. Roman Portraits And Memphis (IV), 1911 vii, [1], 26 pp. 4 color plates mounted on heavy stock, 32 black and white plates. Riqqeh And Memphis VI. With Chapters by M.A. Murray, H. Flinders Petrie and W.M. Flinders Petrie. 1915, vii, 38 pp. with 63 full page plates of which 3 are in color (2 are folding plates), 2 black and white folding plates and 58 black and white plates showing maps, jewellery, sculpture and hundreds of objects. 1915.