Small 8vo., disbound, pp. [ff. 10], 78, including title page with fine copper-engraved printers colophon (“the sign of the Grey-hound in Little Britain without Aldersgate”); dedication by translator to Edward Bellows; bookshop’s advertisements; author’s preface; contents; and the body text. Translated by John Davies from Apocalypsis insignium aliquot haeresiarcharvm, Lvgdvni-Batavorvm: [s.n.], 1608, which was from a Dutch original: Growelen der vornemsten hooft-ketteren. Leyden: H.L. van Haestens, 1607. Authorship attributed to Hendrick Lodevik van Haestens. Pages rubbed, browned and slightly foxed and stained, upper margins closely trimmed with minimal impingement on header titling on some of the pages, upper foredge corner of pp. 37-8 chipped, both foredge corners of pp. 65-6 chipped, in both instances some loss of printed marginalia; otherwise a complete copy of this v. scarce compendium containing brief biographies of 16 historic figures thought to have censored anti-Trinitarian views, most of whom were central to the Anabaptist movement in Europe in the century prior to the book’s publication; each biography is accompanied by a copper-engraved portrait. The figures include: Thomas Muntzer, Jan Matthys, John of Leiden, Hermannus Sutor, Theodorus Sartor, David Joris, Michael Servetus, Arius, Mohammad, Balthasar Hubmaier, Hans Hut, Ludwig Hetzer, Melchior Hoffman, Melchior Rink, Adam Pastor and Henry Nicholis. The book is of particular interest for its inclusion of a biography – and portrait – of Mohammad, who is decried for having “made laughing stock of the Trinity”.
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VAN HAESTENS, Henrick (attrib.); DAVIES, John (trans.), Apocalypsis, or, The Revelation Of certain notorious Advancers of Heresie Wherein their Visions and private Revelations by Dreams, are discovered to be most incredible blasphemies, and enthusiastical dotages: Together with an account of their Lives, Actions, and Ends. Whereunto are added the effigies of seventeen (who excelled the rest in rashness, impudence and lying,) done in Copper Plates. Faithfully and impartially translated out of the Latine by J. D., Printed by E. Tyler, for John Saywell, 1655
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SKU: 034396
Categories: History, Religion, Theology
Tags: Anabaptists, anti-Trinitarian, Apocalypsis insignium aliquot haeresiarcharvm, Baptism, Dutch, English, Hendrick Lodevik van Haestens, heresy, heretics, Holland, John Davies, Luther, Mohamet, Mohammad, Muhammad, Reformation, seventeenth century, sixteenth century, translation, Trinitarian, Trinity
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