Title: Gli Artificiosi, e curiosi moti spiritali di Herone. Tradotti da m. Gio. Battista Aleotti d’Argenta. Aggiontoui dal medesimo quattro theoremi non men belli, & curiosi de gli altri. Et il modo con che si fà artificiosamente salire un canale d’acqua Viua
Author: Hero, Alexandrinus; Aleotti, Battista (trans.)
Publisher: Carlo Zenero
Year published: 1647
Place of Publication: Bologna
Book Condition: Good
Jacket Condition:
Size: 8vo
Binding: No Binging
Notes: Edited and translated into Italian by Giambattista Aleotti. No binding but all pages complete and intact. Engraved armorial device on title page and 89 woodcut figures in the text. 103pp. Very clean and bright throughout with only occasional foxing to preliminaries. With fascinating woodcuts of inventions that include the first steam-powered engine. Pneumatics