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Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Willyams, Cooper, A Voyage Up The Mediterranean in His Majesty’s Ship The Swiftsure. One of The Squadron Under The Command of Rear – Admiral Baron Nelson of The Nile, And Duke of Bronte in Sicily, With A Description of The Battle of The Nile On The First of August 1798, J White 1802
Trublet, Jacques Jerome Antoine, Histoire de la campagne de l’Inde, par l’escadre francaise, sous les ordres de M. Le bailli de Suffren, Annees 1781, 1782, 1783, chez la Veuve Bruté, 1801
Children's Literature
BUTLER, William Francis; BADEN-POWELL, R. (intro.)., Red Cloud. A Tale of the Great Canadian Prairie. With a foreward by General Sir R. Baden-Powell and a Memoir of the Author., The Musson Book Company, Ltd., 0
European Travel
Sorbière, Samuel de; Sprat, Dr. Thomas, A Voyage to England: Containing Many Things relating to the State of Learning, Religion, and Other Curiosities of the Kingdom; As also, Observations on the Fame Voyage, by Dr. Thomas Sprat, Fellow of the Royal Society, and now Lord Bishop of Rochester; With, A Letter of Monsieur Sorbiere’s Concerning the War between England and Holland in 1652, Printed and Sold by J. Woodward, 1709
First Edition
Grimwade, Captain F. Clive, The War History of the 4th Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), 1914-1919., Headquarters of the 4th London Regiment, 1922
Military History
WILLIAMSON, John, Jane’s Military Communications: 2005-2006, Jane’s Information Group Limited, 2005
SHEROWER, Abbot William, Emperor of the Centuries: Volumes 1 – 5, Napoleonic Heritage Books, 1986
Visser Family Trust, The Visser Collection of Fine, Rare and Important Arms, Sotheby’s, 1990
Bianco Di Saint-Jorioz Alessandro, Il Brigantaggio Alla Frontiera Pontificia, Daelli 1864
Scott, W., The Border Exploits: Containing A Concise Account of the Remarkable Events in Scotland, from the Reign of Malcolm II. Down to the Rebellion in 1745. R. Armstrong 1812
Mundy, Rodney Sir, H.M.S. Hannibal” at Palermo and Naples During the Italian Revbolu”, 1863
Gernsheim, Helmut and Alison, Roger Fenton, Photographer of the Crimean War. Secker and Warburg 1954
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