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Showing 13–24 of 132 results
Thornton, Thomas, The Present State of Turkey, or a Description Of the Political, Civil and Religious Constitution, Goverment, and Laws of the Ottoman Empire; the Finances, Military and Naval Establishments; the State of Learning, and of the Liberal and Mechanical Arts. Joseph Mawman 1807
BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769
Brayley, Edward Wedlake, London And Middlesex; Or, An Historical, and Commercial & Descriptive Survey of the Metropolis of Great-Britain: Including Sketches of its Environs and a Topographical Account of The Most Remarkable Places in the Above County. (5 vols), Vernor, Hood and Sharpe, 0
Peignot, G. (Gabriel), Dictionnaire Des Livres Condamnés Au Feu: Dictionnaire, Critique, Littéraire et Bibliographique; Des principaux Livres condamnés au feu, supprimés ou censurés; Précédé d’un Discours sure ces Sortes D’Ouvrages, Chez A. A. Renouard, Libraire, rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts, 1806
AQUINAS, Thomas., Tomus Quintusdecimus. D. Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici in Matthaeum, Marcum, Lucam, et Ioannem. Catenam auream complectens, Ex sententiis Sanctorum Patrum, miro artificio connexam, quorum Catalogum & Chronologiam, versa pagina ostendit., Apud haeredes Antonij Bladij, & Ioannem Osmarinum Liliorum socios, 1570
PIAZZA, Girolamo Bartolomeo [Hierom Bartholomew; Hierome Barthelemi]., A Short and True Account of the Inquisition and its Proceeding, As it is practis’d in Italy, Set forth in some Particular Cases. Whereunto is added, An Extract Out of an Authentick Book of Legends of the Roman Church. [Relation Succincte & Veritable de L’Inquisition Et de ses Procedures, Comme il se pratique en Italie, Ce qui est represente dans des Cas Particuliers. A’quoi est ajoute Un Extrait D’un Livre Authentique de Legendes de l’Eglise Romane]., William Bowyer [Guillaume Bowyer], 1722
Voices of the True-Hearted, J. Miller M’Kim 1846
De l’Asie, ou Considerations religieuses, philosophiques et litteraires sur l’Asie, ouvrage compose et dedie a M. le Baron Sylvestre de Sacy, par Mme V**** de C*** [4 vols.].
Holwell, J. Z., Interesting Historical Events, relative to the Provinces of Bengal, and the Empire of Indostan. T. Beckett and P. A. De Hondt 1766
Frassoni, Cesare, Memorie del Finale di Lombardia umiliate all’altezza serenissima di Francesco III. Presso la Società Tipografica 1747
Rinaldi, Francesco, Raccolta di Vedutine Antiche e Moderne della citta di Roma, Go. Antonelli in Piazza di Sciarra 1830
BOYCE, Edmund, The Second Usurpation of Buonaparte; or a History of the Causes, Progress and Termination of the Revolution in France in 1815: particularly comprising a minute and circumstantial account of the ever-memorable Victory of Waterloo. To which are added Appendices, containing the official bulletins of this glorious and decisive battle. With accurate maps, plans, &c., Samuel Leigh, 1816
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BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769