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Showing 25–36 of 132 results
Trublet, Jacques Jerome Antoine, Histoire de la campagne de l’Inde, par l’escadre francaise, sous les ordres de M. Le bailli de Suffren, Annees 1781, 1782, 1783, chez la Veuve Bruté, 1801
John Sinclair, The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, A. Strahan 1803
Ancient Rome
TACITUS, Publius Cornelius; LIPSIUS, Justus; GRONOVIUS, Johannes Fredericus., C. Cornelii Taciti Operum tomus secundus. In quo Libri quinque historiarum, De moribus Germanorum, Vita Julii Agricolae, Et Auctoris incerti Dialogus de oratoribus., Apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1672
VAN HAESTENS, Henrick (attrib.); DAVIES, John (trans.), Apocalypsis, or, The Revelation Of certain notorious Advancers of Heresie Wherein their Visions and private Revelations by Dreams, are discovered to be most incredible blasphemies, and enthusiastical dotages: Together with an account of their Lives, Actions, and Ends. Whereunto are added the effigies of seventeen (who excelled the rest in rashness, impudence and lying,) done in Copper Plates. Faithfully and impartially translated out of the Latine by J. D., Printed by E. Tyler, for John Saywell, 1655
Biographies & Letters
NANSEN, Fridtjof; SVERDRUP, Otto., In Nacht und Eis. Die Norwegische Polarexpedition 1893-1896. Mit einem Beitrag von Kapitan Sverdrup, 207 Abbildungen, 8 Chromotafeln und 4 Karten. | Supplement. Wir Framleute. Von Bernhard Nordahl. Nansen und ich auf 86? 14′. Von Lieutenant Hjalmar Johansen. Mit 86 Abbildungen und 4 Chromotafeln. [3 vols.], F. A. Brockhaus, 1897
England Delineated. In Two Volumes.
Children's Literature
BUTLER, William Francis; BADEN-POWELL, R. (intro.)., Red Cloud. A Tale of the Great Canadian Prairie. With a foreward by General Sir R. Baden-Powell and a Memoir of the Author., The Musson Book Company, Ltd., 0
RIDGEWAY, William., The Origin of Metallic Currency and Weight Standards., The University Press, 1892
European Travel
Sorbière, Samuel de; Sprat, Dr. Thomas, A Voyage to England: Containing Many Things relating to the State of Learning, Religion, and Other Curiosities of the Kingdom; As also, Observations on the Fame Voyage, by Dr. Thomas Sprat, Fellow of the Royal Society, and now Lord Bishop of Rochester; With, A Letter of Monsieur Sorbiere’s Concerning the War between England and Holland in 1652, Printed and Sold by J. Woodward, 1709
DE SELVE, Odet; LEFEVRE-PONTALIS, Germain (ed.)., Correspondance politique de Odet de Selve, Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre (1546-1549). Publiee sous les auspices de la commission des archives diplomatiques par Germain Lefevre-Pontalis., Ancienne Librairie Germer Bailliere et Cie.: Felix Alcan, 1888
MASCALL, Leonard; SATCHELL, Thomas (ed.)., A Booke of Fishing With hooke and Line made by L.[eonard] M.[ascall]. Reprinted from the edition of 1590 With preface and glossary by Thomas Satchell., Printed for W. Satchell and Co. and Sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1884
DE LABORDE, Leon. , Societe de l’histoire de l’art Francais. Les comptes des batiments du roi (1528-1571), suivis de documents inedits sur les chateaux royaux et les beaux-arts au XVIe siecle [2 vols.]., J. Baur, 1877
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