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Peignot, G. (Gabriel), Dictionnaire Des Livres Condamnés Au Feu: Dictionnaire, Critique, Littéraire et Bibliographique; Des principaux Livres condamnés au feu, supprimés ou censurés; Précédé d’un Discours sure ces Sortes D’Ouvrages, Chez A. A. Renouard, Libraire, rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts, 1806
Voices of the True-Hearted, J. Miller M’Kim 1846
Mandeville, Bernard, The Fable of the Bees: Or; Private Vices, Public Benefits; With, An Essay on Charity and Charity-Schools; And A Search into the Nature of Society, Printed for W. Gray and W. Peter, 1755
Biographies & Letters
DE SELVE, Odet; LEFEVRE-PONTALIS, Germain (ed.)., Correspondance politique de Odet de Selve, Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre (1546-1549). Publiee sous les auspices de la commission des archives diplomatiques par Germain Lefevre-Pontalis., Ancienne Librairie Germer Bailliere et Cie.: Felix Alcan, 1888
GWILLIM, Henry., A Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament with Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity, Respecting Tithes [4 vols.]., Printed by A. Strahan for J. Butterworth, 1801
Ancient Rome
LEMPRIERE, John., Bibliotheca Classica; or, A Classical Dictionary, containing A Full Account of All the Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Authors: with Tables of coins, weights, and measures, in use among the Greeks and Romans: to which is now prefixed a chronological table. Third edition, greatly enlarged., Printed for T. Cadell, junior, and W. Davies, (successors of Mr. Cadell), 1797
First Edition
Thaon di Revel, Ignazio, Testament Politique, Chez Le Marchands de Nouveautes, 1826
NOTEHELFER, F. G., Kotoko Shusui: Portrait of a Japanese Radical, Cambridge University Press, 1971
Antoine-Francois Philippe Du Bois Des Cours, Tableau Politique De L’Europe, Depuis La Bataille De Leipsic, gagnee le 18 Octobre, 1813, R. Juigne 1813
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