Title: Fides Ecclesiae Orientalis Sev Gabrielis Metropolitae Philadelphiensis Opuscula, Nunc Primum De Graecis Conversa
Author: Severus, Gabriel et al.
Publisher: Gasparum Meturas
Year published: 1671
Place of Publication: Paris
Book Condition: Very Good
Size: Quarto
Binding: Contemporary Full Leather
Edition: First Edition
Notes: Fides ecclesiae orientalis Sev Gabrielis Metropolitae Philadelphiensis opuscula, nunc primum de Graecis conversa. Cum Notis uberioribus, quibus Nationum Orientalium persuasio, maxime de Rebus Eucharisticis, ex libris praesertim Manuscriptis, vel nondum Latio donatis illustratur. Adversus CLAUDII Calviniani Ritus Carentone Ministri Responsum, ad Perpetuitatem Fidei Ecclesiae Catholice, de iisdem Rebus Eucharisticis a Clarissimo Arnaldo Dottore Sorbonico defensam (Parisiis: Gasparum Meturas, 1671). pp. xxiv, 300. Quarto. Book in very good condition. Contemporary full leather binding (speckled) with gilt lettering and floral decorative motif on spine which continues along the edge of the front and back boards, slightly faded and bumped. Ex library with usual (albeit small) stamp on title page. Gabriel Severus (c. 1540-1616) was an Orthodox Christian theologian. He was consecrated Metropolitan of Philadelphia (now Ala-Shehr) in Asia Minor in 1577 and acted as bishop to the Greek Christians in Venice. He is known in particular for his defense of the custom of venerating the Eucharist at the Great Entrance. This book containing his teachings (in Greek and Latin) was published by the French priest Richard Simon in the later seventeenth century, containing also an extensive commentary on Severus’ work. Very rare first edition.
Wherry, Erv. E.M., A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: comprising Sale’s Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with additional notes and emendations. Together with a Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes, by the Rev. E.M. Wherry. (1 Vol only), K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, & Co 1896