Wherry, E. M., A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale’s Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations. Together with A Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Limited, 1896
Wherry, E. M., A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran: Comprising Sale’s Translation and Preliminary Discourse, with Additional Notes and Emendations. Together with A Complete Index to the Text, Preliminary Discourse, and Notes, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Limited, 1896
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4 vols. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Limited, 1896. viii, [2], 391; [vi], 407; viii, 414, [1]; viii, 340. 8vo. Publisher’s tan cloth binding with gilt lettering and embossed ornamentation to spine and gilt and embossed ornamentation to boards. Ex library with usual marks (1 circular stamp to the foot of each title page, stickers to some of the front pastedowns, 1 security sticker per volume within pages). Spines slightly bumped and rubbed, slightly slanted, page margins very slightly browned, hinges becoming tender. A very rare early copy of this fundamental 4-volume study of the Quran. The text is important not only for being one of the first comprehensive commentaries of the Quran in English, but also in the broader context of the history of Christian-Muslim relations. Its author, Elwood Morris Wherry (1843-1927), was a Christian theologian, and his commentary on the Quran stemmed from his work on an edition he issued of the Quran in Roman Urdu intended for use by missionaries in India.
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