Title: A Voyage Up The Mediterranean in His Majesty’s Ship The Swiftsure. One of The Squadron Under The Command of Rear – Admiral Baron Nelson of The Nile, And Duke of Bronte in Sicily, With A Description of The Battle of The Nile On The First of August 1798
Author: Willyams, Cooper
Publisher: J White
Year published: 1802
Place of Publication: London
Book Condition: Good & Sound
Jacket Condition:
Size: 4to
Binding: Half Brown Leather
Notes: Bound in blind stamp, brown half leather over marbled boards. Rebacked with new label. Leather corners bumped, very slightly worn to boards. With previous owners bookplates to FEP. Title page with corner repaired. xxiii, including engraved dedication to Earl St Vincent, 309pp. 40 aquatints signed J. C. Stadler, all but one after drawings by the author, occasional woodcut tailpieces, one double-paged map, and one plan detailing the battle of the Nile. The illustrations from drawings on the spot include views of Sicily, Egypt, Venice, Minorca and Gibraltar, as well as inhabitants of the Mediterranean seaboard and British servicemen on and off-duty, also Egyptian antiquities. text clean and unmarked. Complete.