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First Edition
KEATS, John, Endymion, Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1818
American Travel
Scoresby, Rev. W., The Franklin Expedition: Or Considerations on Measures for the Discovery and Relief of Our Absent Adventurers in the Arctic Regions, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1850
BLIGH, William, A Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, For the purpose of conveying the bread-fruit tree to the West Indies, in his Majesty’s ship the Bounty. Commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh. Including an account of the mutiny on board the said ship, and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in the ship’s boat, from Tofoa, one of the friendly islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East Indies. The whole illustrated with charts, &c. Published by the permission of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. , George Nicol, Bookseller to his Majesty, Pall Mall., 1792
Asian Travel
MAGALHÃES (MAGAILLANS), GABRIEL DE, A New History of China: Containing a Description of the most Considerable Particulars of the Vast Empire, Printed for Thomas Newborough, at the Golden Ball, in S. Paul’s Church-Yard, 1688
Children's Literature
WILDE, Oscar, The Happy Prince and Other Tales, David Nutt, 1888
Hiatt, Charles, H. R. Woestyn and Hugh MacLeay (Eds.), The Poster: An Illustrated Monthly Chronicle, Vol. I, Nos. I-VI. H. R. Worstyn, 1898
TIMKOVSKI, Egor Fedorovich, Voyage à Peking, à travers la Mongolie en 1820 et 1821. Traduit du Russe par M. N******, revu par M. J.-B. Eyriès. Publié avec des corrections et des notes par M. J. Klaproth., Dondey-Dupré Père et Fils, 1827
HAY, David Ramsay, A Nomenclature of Colours, Hues, Tints, and Shades, Applicable to the Arts and Natural Sciences; To Manufactures, and Other Purposes of General Utility., William Blackwood & Sons, 1845
White, T.H. , The Sword in the Stone, Collins, 1938
The Costume of the Empire of Russia, T. Bensley 1811
LEMOISNE, Paul-Andre, Degas et Son Oeuvre, Garland Publishing; Brame et Hauke, 1984
MANASSES, Constantine; CODINOS, Georges; CHRYSOLORAS, Manuel; Emperor LEO VI; HESYCHIUS of Miletus; LEUNCLAVIUS, Johannes (trans.); MEDON, Bernard (trans.); LAMBECK, Peter (ed.); MEURSIUS, Johannes (ed.); ALLACCI, Leone (ed.); FABROT, Charles-Annibal (ed.)., Const. Manassis Breviarium historicum, ex interpretatione Joannis Leunclavii, cum eiusdem et Joannis Meursii notis. Accedit variarum lectionum libellus, cura Leonis Allatii et Caroli Annibalis Fabroti IC. Item glossarium graeco-barbarum, studio eiusdem Fabroti. | Georgii Codini et alterius cuiusdam anonymi Excerpta de antiquitatibus constantinopolitanis, edita in lucem opera & studio Petri Lambecii […]: cum Latina versione & Animadversionibus necessariis. Accedunt Manuelis Chrysolorae Epistolae tres de comparatione veteris et novae Romae. Et Imp. Leonis cognomine Sapientis oracula cum figuris, atque antiqua Graeca Paraphrasi. Addita est etiam Explicatio officiorum sanctae ac magnae Ecclesiae […] interprete Bernardo Medonio Tolosate., Typographia Regia (Sebastien Cramoisy), 1655
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