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Showing 121–132 of 616 results
Eliot, George, Poems, Little, Brown and Company, 1900
REGO, Paula, Obedience and Defiance (SIGNED COPY), Art Books Publishing Limited in association with MK Gallery, 2019
First Edition
CLAIR, René, Star Turn: A Novel of the Films, Chatto and Windus, 1936
Grant, Bartle, The Orchids of Burma, Hanthawaddy Press 1895
John Sinclair, The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire, A. Strahan 1803
Ancient Rome
TACITUS, Publius Cornelius; LIPSIUS, Justus; GRONOVIUS, Johannes Fredericus., C. Cornelii Taciti Operum tomus secundus. In quo Libri quinque historiarum, De moribus Germanorum, Vita Julii Agricolae, Et Auctoris incerti Dialogus de oratoribus., Apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1672
EULER, Leonhard, Meditationes super problemate nautico, de implantatione malorum quae proxime accessere Ad praemium anno 1727. a Regia Scientiarum Academia promulgatum., Apud Claudium Jombert, 1728
VAN HAESTENS, Henrick (attrib.); DAVIES, John (trans.), Apocalypsis, or, The Revelation Of certain notorious Advancers of Heresie Wherein their Visions and private Revelations by Dreams, are discovered to be most incredible blasphemies, and enthusiastical dotages: Together with an account of their Lives, Actions, and Ends. Whereunto are added the effigies of seventeen (who excelled the rest in rashness, impudence and lying,) done in Copper Plates. Faithfully and impartially translated out of the Latine by J. D., Printed by E. Tyler, for John Saywell, 1655
C. W. Rordansz, European Commerce or Complete Mercantile Guide to the Continent of Europe, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy 1818
MACLENNAN, Selina Baring, Gaston La Touche: A Painter of Belle époque Dreams, Antique Collectors’ Club, 2009
CRAWFORD, Ashley; EDGAR, Ray, Spray: The Work of Howard Arkley [A World Art Book], Craftsman House, 1996
Bunyan, John; Conder, Josiah; Maguire, Robert, The Pilgrim’s Progress, The Holy War, and Other Selected Works of John Bunyan, The London Printing and Publishing Company
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