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Showing 181–192 of 616 results
Thackeray, WM, Burlesques. Novels by Eminent Hands, Jeames’s Diary, The History of the next French Revolution, A Legend of the Rhine, Adventures of Major Gahagan, Smith, Elder 1879
Thackeray, WM, The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. A Little Dinner at Timmins and notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, Smith, Elder 1879
Thackeray, WM, The Paris Sketchbook, Smith & Elder 1879
Brathwaite, Richard, A Strappado for the Divell … Loves Labyrinth, or the True-lovers Knot, 1878
The Man Who Was Thursday. Adapted from the novel of G. K. Chesterton. By Mrs. Cecil Chesterton and Ralph Neale. With a Foreward by G. K. Chesterton.
WRIGHT, W. Boscawen., Handbook of the Criminal Law of Southern Rhodesia (Statutory). From 1891 to 1903 (inclusive). Being supplementary to Mr. C. H. Tredgold’s Handbook of Colonial Criminal Law., Clowes, 1904
Parker, Thomas N., An Essay on the Construction, Hanging, and Fastening of Gates; Exemplified in Six Quarto Plates. Second Edition; improved and enlarged., C. Whittingham, 1804
European Travel
Sorbière, Samuel de; Sprat, Dr. Thomas, A Voyage to England: Containing Many Things relating to the State of Learning, Religion, and Other Curiosities of the Kingdom; As also, Observations on the Fame Voyage, by Dr. Thomas Sprat, Fellow of the Royal Society, and now Lord Bishop of Rochester; With, A Letter of Monsieur Sorbiere’s Concerning the War between England and Holland in 1652, Printed and Sold by J. Woodward, 1709
Natural History
DENNY, Henry, Monographia Anoplurorum Britanniae; or, an essay on the British species of parasitic insects belonging to the order Anoplura of Leach, with the modern divisions of the genera according to the views of Leach, Nitzsch, and Burmeister, with highly magnified figures of each species., Henry G. Bohn, 1842
Biographies & Letters
DE SELVE, Odet; LEFEVRE-PONTALIS, Germain (ed.)., Correspondance politique de Odet de Selve, Ambassadeur de France en Angleterre (1546-1549). Publiee sous les auspices de la commission des archives diplomatiques par Germain Lefevre-Pontalis., Ancienne Librairie Germer Bailliere et Cie.: Felix Alcan, 1888
MASCALL, Leonard; SATCHELL, Thomas (ed.)., A Booke of Fishing With hooke and Line made by L.[eonard] M.[ascall]. Reprinted from the edition of 1590 With preface and glossary by Thomas Satchell., Printed for W. Satchell and Co. and Sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1884
MORUS, Thomas [MORE, Thomas]., Idee d’une republique heureuse ou l’utopie de Thomas Morus. Contenant le Plan d’une Republique dont les Loix, les Usages et les Coutumes tendent uniquement a rendre heureuses les Societez qui les suivront. Traduit en Francois Par Mr. Gueudeville, Et enrichie de Figures en Taille douce., Chez Francois L’Honore, 1730
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