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Showing 193–204 of 619 results
MASCALL, Leonard; SATCHELL, Thomas (ed.)., A Booke of Fishing With hooke and Line made by L.[eonard] M.[ascall]. Reprinted from the edition of 1590 With preface and glossary by Thomas Satchell., Printed for W. Satchell and Co. and Sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., 1884
MORUS, Thomas [MORE, Thomas]., Idee d’une republique heureuse ou l’utopie de Thomas Morus. Contenant le Plan d’une Republique dont les Loix, les Usages et les Coutumes tendent uniquement a rendre heureuses les Societez qui les suivront. Traduit en Francois Par Mr. Gueudeville, Et enrichie de Figures en Taille douce., Chez Francois L’Honore, 1730
Wright, Thomas; Wulcker, Richard Paul (ed.), Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies, Trubner & Co., 1884
European Travel
Baedeker, Carl, Die Schweiz. Baedeker, 1853
Ikeda, Mitch, Forever Delayed: Photographs of the Manic Street Preachers (Signed), Vision On, 2002
Meyerowitz, Joel; Westerbeck, Colin, Joel Meyerowitz: Where I Find Myself: A Lifetime Retrospective, Laurence King Publishing, 2018
KISLUK-GROSHEIDE, Danielle; KROHN, Deborah L.; LEBEN, Ulrich (eds.)., Salvaging the Past: Georges Hoentschel and French Decorative Arts from the Metropolitan Museum of Art., The Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture; The Metroplitan Museum of Art and Yale University Press, 2013
Sports and Pastimes
Bainbridge, George Cole, The Fly Fisher’s Guide, Illustrated by Coloured Plates, Representing Upwards of Forty of the Most Useful Flies, Accurately Copied from Nature., Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1840
Darwin, Charles, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, John Murray 1896
GWILLIM, Henry., A Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament with Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Law and Equity, Respecting Tithes [4 vols.]., Printed by A. Strahan for J. Butterworth, 1801
DE LABORDE, Leon. , Societe de l’histoire de l’art Francais. Les comptes des batiments du roi (1528-1571), suivis de documents inedits sur les chateaux royaux et les beaux-arts au XVIe siecle [2 vols.]., J. Baur, 1877
AKIYAMA, Shotaro., Kagyu no kiseki: 1949-1974. Shotaro Akiyama. Collected Works., Nihon Kamera Sha, 1974
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