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Showing 13–24 of 616 results
Willyams, Cooper, A Voyage Up The Mediterranean in His Majesty’s Ship The Swiftsure. One of The Squadron Under The Command of Rear – Admiral Baron Nelson of The Nile, And Duke of Bronte in Sicily, With A Description of The Battle of The Nile On The First of August 1798, J White 1802
African Travel
Hornemann, Friedrich; Rennell, James; Marsden, William, The Journal of Frederick Horneman’s Travels, From Cairo to Mourzouk, the Capital of The Kingdom of Fezzan, in Africa. In the Years 1797-8., Bulmer & Co. 1802
OCKLEY, Simon, The History Of The Saracens: Containing The Lives Of Abubeker, Omar, Othman, Ali, Hasan, Moawiyah I, Yezid I, Moawiyah II, Abdollah, Merwan I, and Abdol Melick, the immediate Successors of Mahomet, Giving An Account of their most remarkable Battles, sieges &c. particularly those of Aleppo, Antioch, Damascus, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. Illustrating The Religion, Rites, Customs and Manner of Living of that Warlike People., Printed for R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, R. Smith, B. Lintott, and J. Round. , 1718
GREGORAS, Nikephorus; WOLF, Hieronymus; BOIVIN, Jean (de Villeneuve) (ed.); DU FRESNE (DU CANGE), Charles., Nikephorou tou Gregora Rhomaike historia. Nicephori Gregorae Byzantina historia. Tomus primus. Libri XI. ab Hier. Wolfio jampridem latini facti, & in lucem editi : iidem nunc auctiores & castigatiores quam antea. Tomus secundus. Libri XIII. nunc primum e codd. mss. eruti, & typis mandati. Ex his libros fere XI. latine vertit Joh. Boivin, Biblioth. Regiae Custos alter. Idem Codices contulit, Notas addidit, & alias Appendices., Typographia Regia (Jean Anisson), 1702
GILLIODTS VAN SEVEREN, Louis (ed.)., Inventaire des Archives de la Ville de Bruges publie sous les auspices de l’administration communale. Section premiere: Inventaire des chartes. Premiere serie: Treizieme au seizieme siecle. [9 vols.]., Typographie Edw. Gailliard & Cie., 1871
Mallet, Robert, Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857. The First Principles of Observational Seismology. As Developed in the Report to the Royal Society of the Expedition Made By Command of the Society Into the Interior of the Kingdom of Naples, to Investigate Etc… Chapman and Hall 1862
BIRD, Isabella Lucy (Mrs. Bishop), Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. Including a Summer in the Upper Karun Region and a Visit to the Nestorian Rayahs. Two volumes., John Murray, 1891
Asian Travel
WIEGER, Leon, Textes Historiques. Histoire politique de la Chine depuis l’origine, jusqu’en 1929. Troisieme edition revue et completee., Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique Hien Hien, 1929
Falconer, William, An Universal Dictionary of the Marine: Or, A Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms and Phrases Of a Ship, T Cadell 1789
Biographies & Letters
Pepys, Samuel; Braybrooke, Lord Richard, Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, ESQ. F.R.S. Secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James II: Comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, A.B of St. John’s College, Cambridge, from the original short hand Ms. in the Pepysian Library, And a selection from his Private Correspondence., Henry Colburn, 1825
SYNCELLUS, George (Synkellos); Saint NICEPHORUS; GOAR, Jacques (ed.)., Georgii monachi et S.P.N. Tarasii patriarchae CP. quondam Syncelli Chronographia, ab Adamo vsque ad Diocletianum. Et Nicephori patriarchae CP. Breviarium chronographicum, ab Adamo ad Michaelis et eius F. Theophili tempora. Georgius Syncellus e Bibliotheca Regia nunc primum, adiecta versione latina, editus. Nicephori Breviarum ad varias editiones recensitum. His tabulae chronologicae et annotationes additae. Cura et studio P. Iacobi Goar ordinis praedicatorum congregationis reformatae Sancti Ludouici., Typographia Regia (Sebastien Cramoisy), 1652
Natural History
Rothschild, Walter, Ernst Hartert and K. Jordan (eds.), Novitates Zoologicae. A Journal of Zoology in Connection with the Tring Museum, Hazell, Watson, & Viney, 1894
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