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Showing 289–300 of 616 results
Children's Literature
Swinburne, Algernon Charles; Rackham, Arthur, The Springtide of Life. Poems of Childhood, William Heinemann 1918
Johnson, Samuel, The Rambler, Richardson 1822
Sidney, Sir Philip, The Miscellaneous Works of Sir Philip Sidney, William W. Gibbings 1893
Goodison, Nicholas, English Barometres 1680-1860: A History of Domestic Barometres & Their Makers, Clarkson N Potter, Inc/Publishers 1908
Swift, Jonathan, The Poetical Works of Jonathan Swift (3 volumes), Bell and Daldy
Willoughby, Bob, Sinatra. An Intimate Collection by Bob Willoughby., Vision On, 2002
GUTHRIE, Kenneth Sylvan, The Hymns of Zoroaster Usually Called the Gathas, For the first time made entirely accessible by: Transliterated Text, Translation, Dictionary and Grammar, Introductory Tables, Analysis, Higher and Biblical Criticism, Complete Concordance, and Subject-Index., London: George Bell and Sons/ Brooklyn: Comparative Literature Press, 1914
Il nuovissimo gran pasticciere. Ovvero l’arte di fare da se’ stessi ogni qualita’ di paste, Biscotti, Torte, Conserve, Composte, ecc. Secondo i piu’ moderni metodi italiani, francesi, tedeschi, inglesi, ecc. Coll’aggiunta del modo di fabbricare i vini, i rosoli, gli sciroppi, di conservarli, inzuccherarli, chiarificarli, nonche’ l’ordine di mantenersi in cucina, la maniera di riscaldare il forno e di far la pasta., Romeo Mangoni, 1880
MANI, Giuseppe., Un pranzo immaginario di 500. cognomi. Scherzo lepido bizzarro., Nella Stamperia Fabbrini, 1832
Ceballos, Gerardo, Mammals of Mexico, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014
MITORAJ, Igor; PERUJI, Liberto; VAGHEGGI, Paolo; ZUGAZAGOITIA, Julian, Mitoraj: The Marbles, Edizioni “Il Ponte” Firenze, 1997
ORTON, Joe, Head to Toe, Anthony Blond Limited, 1970
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