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Showing 301–312 of 616 results
European Travel
Neues Panorama des Rheins von Mannheim bis Coln mit 45 Randbildern nebst Beschreibung. Nouveau Panorama du Rhin de Mannheim a Cologne avec vignettes et description. New Panorama of the Rhine from Mannheim to Cologne with marginal views and a description., D. Kapp, 1868
Biographies & Letters
PASSERINI, Luigi., Genealogia e storia della famiglia Ricasoli., coi tipi di M. Cellini E C. alla Galileiana, 1861
, Canones, et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici, et generalis Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III, Julio III, et Pio IV, Pontificibus Maximus, Cum Patrum subscriptionibus antehac ineditis., Typis Mainardi, 1733
Bill, Max (ed.), Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. The Complete Architectural Works. Volume III. 1934-1938., Thames and Hudson, 1966
Vaughan, Robert, Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty Including the Constitutional and Ecclesiastical History of England from the Decease of Elizabeth to the Abdication of James II (2 Volumes). Holdsworth and Ball 1831
Manno Giuseppe, Storia Moderna Della Sardegna Dall’anno 1775 al 1799. Fratelli Favale 1842
Lanfredini Giacomo, Lettera Pastorale Alle Diocesi d’Osimo e Cingoli Sopra al Carnevale. Giambattista de’ Giulj 1739
Cametti Ottaviano, Sectionum Conicarum Compendium, Ex Typographia Balleoniana 1765
Asian Travel
Bouilleveaux, C-E, L’Annamet et Le Cambodge Voyages et Notices Historiques, Victor Palme 1874
Roberts, In defence of English Cubists, Macmillan 1974
Grove Dictionary, The New; Sadie, Stanley (ed), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Four Volume Set, Macmillan 1995
Gioja, Melchior, Nuovo Galateo Di Melchiorre Gioja , Un’Altra Volta Purgato, Milano 1830
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