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Showing 349–360 of 616 results
Biographies & Letters
CAPLAT, Moran (ed.)., Glyndebourne Festival Programme Book. Tenth Edition. 1961., Glyndebourne London Office, 1961
BEYER, Andreas; SAVOY, Benedicte; TEGETHOFF, Wolf (eds.)., Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon. Die Bildenden Kunstler aller Zeiten und Volker. Band 96. Pintaldi – Pretro., De Gruyter, 2017
Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of a Collection of Old Embroideries of the Greek Islands and Turkey., Printed for the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1914
WEBEL, Sophie., Jean Dubuffet, 1901-1985 : retrospective., National Museum of Art (Deoksugung) | Fondation Dubuffet, 2006
BELLAK, Gabor; KISS, Janos Jernyei; KESERU, Katalin; MIKO, Arpad; AKACS, Bela Zsolt., A Thousand Years of Art in Hungary., Corvina, 2009
MARTIN, Alexandre; Louis Eustache Audot, Breviaire du Gastronome. Utile et recreatif. Aide-memoire pour ordonner les repas par l’auteur de la Cuisiniere de la Campagne et de la Ville., Audot, 1855
MIATELLO, Hugo, Industrias Agricolas y Ganaderas en la Republica Argentina. (Datos para los immigrantes agricultores)., Taller Tipografico de la Penitenciara Nacional, 1901
Sartori, Arianna (ed.), Carbonati. L’opera grafica. 1913-1948., Centro studi Sartori per la grafica, 2006
MATTEUCCI, Giuliano (ed.) and Mario Borgiotti (intro.), Ulvi Liegi., Arti Grafiche “Il Torchio”, Firenze, 1970
Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret. The Complete Architectural Works. Volume IV. 1938-1946. Volume IV.
Altieri, Emilio Bonaventura (Pope Clement X), Sanctissimi D. N. D. Clementis Diuina Prouidentia Papae Decimi Constitvtio, Vt Romanis, alijsq; nobilibus Status Ecclesiastici liceat exercere commercia sine praeiudicio nobilitatis., Typis Aeredis Victotij Benatij, 1671
Eustratiades, Sophronios, Katalogos Ton Kodikon Tes Hieras Sketes Kausokalybion Kai Ton Kalybon Autes, H. Champion 1930
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