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Showing 385–396 of 616 results
Beckwith, John, Ivory Carvings in Early Medieval England, Harvey Miller & Medcalf 1972
Moliere, De, Theatre Complet De J.-B Poquelin De Molier, Libraire Des Bibliophiles
WOOD, Ashley, Sencilla Fanta: Drawings, scrawls, ideas, sketches, scribbles, and scratches by markers, ink and paint., IDW Publishing, 2005
Cassell and Company Ltd., The Magazine of Art. 1898. Complete., Cassell and Company Ltd., 1898
Karel Reisz, The Technique of Film Editing, Focal Press, 1953
MAZZOCCA, Fernando (ed.), Musei e Gallerie di Milano. Casa Manzoni, Mondadori Electa S.p.A., 2016
DE JONG, Jan; MEADOW, Mark; RAMAKERS, Bart; SCHOLTEN, Fritz (eds.), Prentwerk/Print Work: 1500-1700., Waanders Uitgevers, 2002
Williams, Frederick S., Our Iron Roads: Their History, Construction, and Administration. With Numerous Illustrations. Second edition, revised., Bemrose & Sons, 1883
Bikelas, Demetrios; Vikelas; John, Marquess of Bute (Transl.), Seven Essays on Christian Greece By Demetrios Bikelas, Alexander Gardner 1890
Asian Travel
Vambéry, Arminius, Mes aventures et mes voyages dans l`Asie Centrale de Téhéran a Khiva, Bokhara et Samarkand a travers le grand désert Turcoman, Mame et Fils 1900
African Travel
Baker, Sir Samuel White, Ismailia Récit D’Une Expédition Dans L’Afrique Centrale Pour L’Abolition De La Traité Des Noirs.Ouvrage Traduit De L’Anglais Avec L’Autorisation De L’Auteur Par Hippolyte Vattemare. Libraire Hachette 1875
Biographies & Letters
Thomson Andrew, The Life and Times of Charles- Marie Widor 1844-1937, Oxford University Press 1987
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