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Showing 73–84 of 616 results
NAIPAUL, V.S. (Vidiadhar Surajprasad) , Miguel Street, Andre Deutsch, 1959
Peignot, G. (Gabriel), Dictionnaire Des Livres Condamnés Au Feu: Dictionnaire, Critique, Littéraire et Bibliographique; Des principaux Livres condamnés au feu, supprimés ou censurés; Précédé d’un Discours sure ces Sortes D’Ouvrages, Chez A. A. Renouard, Libraire, rue Saint-Andre-des-Arts, 1806
AQUINAS, Thomas., Tomus Quintusdecimus. D. Thomae Aquinatis doctoris angelici in Matthaeum, Marcum, Lucam, et Ioannem. Catenam auream complectens, Ex sententiis Sanctorum Patrum, miro artificio connexam, quorum Catalogum & Chronologiam, versa pagina ostendit., Apud haeredes Antonij Bladij, & Ioannem Osmarinum Liliorum socios, 1570
PIAZZA, Girolamo Bartolomeo [Hierom Bartholomew; Hierome Barthelemi]., A Short and True Account of the Inquisition and its Proceeding, As it is practis’d in Italy, Set forth in some Particular Cases. Whereunto is added, An Extract Out of an Authentick Book of Legends of the Roman Church. [Relation Succincte & Veritable de L’Inquisition Et de ses Procedures, Comme il se pratique en Italie, Ce qui est represente dans des Cas Particuliers. A’quoi est ajoute Un Extrait D’un Livre Authentique de Legendes de l’Eglise Romane]., William Bowyer [Guillaume Bowyer], 1722
Beauvilliers, Antoine, L’Art du Cuisinier, par A. Beauvilliers., Chez Pillet aine; et Chez Colnet, 1824
Grimm, Jacob; Stallybrass, James Steven (trans.), Teutonic Mythology, G. Bell & Sons 1888
Jardine, William; Selby, Prideaux John; Crichton, Andrew, The Natural History of Gallinaceous Birds, W. H. Lizars 1836
Ellero, Umberto, La Fotografia Nelle Funzioni Di Polizia e Processuali, Officina Tipografica Bodoni 1907
Voices of the True-Hearted, J. Miller M’Kim 1846
The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. […] To which are added One hundred and fifty New and useful Receipts, And a Copious Index. By a Lady. A New Edition. With The Order of a Modern Bill of Fare, for each Month, in the Manner the Dishes are to be placed upon the Table.
Lindley, John, The Fossil Flora of Great Britain, James Ridgway 1831
TELLER, Juergen, Tracht (SIGNED ARTIST’S COPY), Lehmann Maupin; Steidl Gottingen, 2001
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