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Showing 97–108 of 616 results
GOFF, Martyn, The Plaster Fabric, Putnam, 1957
Rousseau Jean-Baptiste, Oeuvres. S.n.s. 1743
Murphy, John, A Treatise on the Art of Weaving with Calculations and Tables for the Use of Manufacturers, Blackie And Son 1839
[ANON], Collection of 36 hand colored plates depicting members of the Vatican court, circa 1840.
American Travel
HINCHLIFF, Thomas Woodbine., South American Sketches; or, A Visit to Rio de Janeiro, the Organ Mountains, La Plata, and the Paranà. Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green, 1863
BOYCE, Edmund, The Second Usurpation of Buonaparte; or a History of the Causes, Progress and Termination of the Revolution in France in 1815: particularly comprising a minute and circumstantial account of the ever-memorable Victory of Waterloo. To which are added Appendices, containing the official bulletins of this glorious and decisive battle. With accurate maps, plans, &c., Samuel Leigh, 1816
Trublet, Jacques Jerome Antoine, Histoire de la campagne de l’Inde, par l’escadre francaise, sous les ordres de M. Le bailli de Suffren, Annees 1781, 1782, 1783, chez la Veuve Bruté, 1801
European Travel
Cadell, W.A., A journey in Carniola, Italy, and France, in the years 1817, 1818, containing remarks relating to language, geography, history, antiquities, natural history, science, painting, sculpture, architecture, agriculture, the mechanical arts and Manufactures. Printed for Archibald Constable & Co 1820
Xeres, John, An address to the Jews: containing his reasons for leaving the Jewish and embracing the Christian religion., printed by J. Heptinstall, for Anthony Barker 1710
Lowry, Malcolm, Under the Volcano, Jonathan Cape 1947
Simson, Thomas, The System of the Womb with A Particular Account of the Menses Independent of a Plethora, Robert Fleming and Company 1729
De La Coudraye, Francois-Celestin De Loynes, Theorie Des Vents, A. Cochon De Chambonneau 1786
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