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DE CASTRO, Joao Bautista., Mappa de Portugal antigo, e moderno pelo Padre Joao Bautista de Castro, Beneficiado na Santa Basilica Patriarcal de Lisboa. Nesta segunda edicao revisto, e augmentado pelo seu mesmo Author: e contem huma exacta descripcao Geografica do Reino de Portugal com o que toca a sua Historia Secular, e Politica [3 vols.]., Na Officina Patriarcal de Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1762
BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769
The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy; Which far exceeds any Thing of the Kind yet published. […] To which are added One hundred and fifty New and useful Receipts, And a Copious Index. By a Lady. A New Edition. With The Order of a Modern Bill of Fare, for each Month, in the Manner the Dishes are to be placed upon the Table.
EULER, Leonhard, Meditationes super problemate nautico, de implantatione malorum quae proxime accessere Ad praemium anno 1727. a Regia Scientiarum Academia promulgatum., Apud Claudium Jombert, 1728
Natural History
BUFFON, Comte de [LECLERC, Georges-Louis]., Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere, avec la description du Cabinet du Roi. Tome Seizieme. Historie naturelle des oiseaux. Tome Premier., De L’Imprimerie Royale, 1770
England Delineated. In Two Volumes.
MORUS, Thomas [MORE, Thomas]., Idee d’une republique heureuse ou l’utopie de Thomas Morus. Contenant le Plan d’une Republique dont les Loix, les Usages et les Coutumes tendent uniquement a rendre heureuses les Societez qui les suivront. Traduit en Francois Par Mr. Gueudeville, Et enrichie de Figures en Taille douce., Chez Francois L’Honore, 1730
MILLOZZI, Federica; VENTURI, Gianni (eds.)., Studi neoclassici. Rivista internazionale. 5. 2017. Canova e il contemporaneo. Atti della Tredicesima Giornata di Studi Canoviani., Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2017
, Canones, et decreta sacrosancti oecumenici, et generalis Concilii Tridentini sub Paulo III, Julio III, et Pio IV, Pontificibus Maximus, Cum Patrum subscriptionibus antehac ineditis., Typis Mainardi, 1733
Biographies & Letters
The Life of George Morland. With Remarks on his Works.
ROUSSET DE MISSY, Jean., Istoria del Cardinal Alberoni Dal giorno della sua Nascita fino all meta dell’anno 1720. Seconda edizione, Divisa in due Parti, & accresciuta di varie curiosita, Con aggiunta de’ Manifesti pubblicati da Sua Eminenza, E di un Carteggio citato nel primo di essi., Per Ipigeo Lucas, 1720
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BECCARIA, Cesare; AROUET, Francois-Marie [VOLTAIRE]., An Essay on Crimes and Punishments, Translated from the Italian; with a Commentary, Attributed to Mons. De Voltaire, Translated from the French. The second edition., Printed for F. Newberry, 1769