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OCKLEY, Simon, The History Of The Saracens: Containing The Lives Of Abubeker, Omar, Othman, Ali, Hasan, Moawiyah I, Yezid I, Moawiyah II, Abdollah, Merwan I, and Abdol Melick, the immediate Successors of Mahomet, Giving An Account of their most remarkable Battles, sieges &c. particularly those of Aleppo, Antioch, Damascus, Alexandria, and Jerusalem. Illustrating The Religion, Rites, Customs and Manner of Living of that Warlike People., Printed for R. Knaplock, J. Sprint, R. Smith, B. Lintott, and J. Round. , 1718
NICETAS, Acominatus (Choniates); FABROT, Charles Annibal (ed.); WOLF, Hieronymus (ed.)., Nicetae Acominati Choniatae, magni logothetae secretorum, inspectoris et iudicis veli, Praefecti sacri cubiculi: Historia. Hieronymo Wolfio Oetingensi interprete. Editio glossario Graeco-barbaro auctior, & ope Mss. Reg. emendatior, cura et studio Caroli Annibalis Fabroti IC., Typographia Regia, 1647
WRIGHT, W. Boscawen., Handbook of the Criminal Law of Southern Rhodesia (Statutory). From 1891 to 1903 (inclusive). Being supplementary to Mr. C. H. Tredgold’s Handbook of Colonial Criminal Law., Clowes, 1904
NEVEROV, Oleg, Great Private Collections of Imperial Russia, Thames and Hudson, 2004
BEARD, Mary; NORTH, John, Pagan Priests: Religion and Power in the Ancient World, Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd, 1990
MILLER, Timothy S., The Orphans of Byzantium: Child Welfare in the Christian Empire, The Catholic University of America Press, 2003
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