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DE CASTRO, Joao Bautista., Mappa de Portugal antigo, e moderno pelo Padre Joao Bautista de Castro, Beneficiado na Santa Basilica Patriarcal de Lisboa. Nesta segunda edicao revisto, e augmentado pelo seu mesmo Author: e contem huma exacta descripcao Geografica do Reino de Portugal com o que toca a sua Historia Secular, e Politica [3 vols.]., Na Officina Patriarcal de Francisco Luiz Ameno, 1762
Brayley, Edward Wedlake, London And Middlesex; Or, An Historical, and Commercial & Descriptive Survey of the Metropolis of Great-Britain: Including Sketches of its Environs and a Topographical Account of The Most Remarkable Places in the Above County. (5 vols), Vernor, Hood and Sharpe, 0
EULER, Leonhard, Meditationes super problemate nautico, de implantatione malorum quae proxime accessere Ad praemium anno 1727. a Regia Scientiarum Academia promulgatum., Apud Claudium Jombert, 1728
England Delineated. In Two Volumes.
African Travel
Pennazzi, Luigi, Dal Po ai due Nili. Fratelli Treves Edition 1885
Scott, W., The Border Exploits: Containing A Concise Account of the Remarkable Events in Scotland, from the Reign of Malcolm II. Down to the Rebellion in 1745. R. Armstrong 1812
European Travel
Neues Panorama des Rheins von Mannheim bis Coln mit 45 Randbildern nebst Beschreibung. Nouveau Panorama du Rhin de Mannheim a Cologne avec vignettes et description. New Panorama of the Rhine from Mannheim to Cologne with marginal views and a description., D. Kapp, 1868
Oliver, George; Rev., The History of Exeter, R. Cullum 1821
MONTICELLI, Francescantonio, Dimostrazione teoretica e pratica della necessita’ ed utilita’ di ristaurare tra Monopoli e Brindisi L’attuale strada consolare avanzo rispettabile dell’antica Via Appia., da’Torchi del Tramater, 1834
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